Tag Archives: color harmony

What is a Classic Portrait

Excerpt from “Classic Portrait “

The term “classic” brings up several questions. What is a “classic portrait”? Why is one portrait considered a classic while others are not? Is a classic portrait a work of art?

The word “classic” implies timelessness. There are five elements that elevate a portrait from one that is merely a picto- rial record to one that has a timeless quality:

1. Design

Design is your concept or idea of where the portrait is going to be made, the space or background you will use, and what artifacts you may wish to include in the portrait to reflect the lifestyle or preference of the subject. Composition is also part of design. It defines how you will arrange the subject and other elements in that space to form a complete visual statement.

2. Pose

The pose refers to your consideration of how and why and where the subject is positioned after you have decided on the location.

3. Color Harmony—

This is the blending of the colors of clothes, furniture, plants, artifacts, and background, to make a pleasing portrait.

4. Expression—

The finest portrait is a failure without a good expression. The expression should reflect  the mood or personality of the subject that you want to show.

5. Lighting—

The proper, artis- tic use of light can make a good portrait extraordinary. Is a classic portrait a work of art? Art means different things to different people and, like beauty, often is in the eye of the beholder. But a work of art is something that stands the test of time. I would say that a fine por- trait is definitely a work of art.

The following photos are hand picked by TLRgraphy from flickr. Behind these photos are some good photographers and of coz, with a twin lens reflex camera:


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Ice Plant

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100-Strangers (9/100) - Mike

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Evgeniya Afonskaya

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Alexandra Revenko

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