Monthly Archives: August, 2012

Some corporate Logos

Intend to design a smart logo for this TLR site… my friend forwarded me some nice logo design which has successfully and nicely embedded some messages into it. this can be very good study materials. here you go.





The Amazon logo is an extremely simple logo and while the arrow may just look like a smile it actually points from a to z. This represents that Amazon sell everything from a to z and the smile on the customers face when they bought a product.

Baskin Robbins


The Baskin Robbins logo may look like it includes a simple BR above the name but if you take another look you will that it includes a pink number 31. This is a reference to the original 31 flavors.



The Chick-fil-a logo incorporates a chicken into the C. Although this isn’t very hidden, it is still very clever.



The eighty20 logo is a bit of a geeky one to figure out, the two lines of squares represent a binary sequence with the blue squares being 1′s and the grey squares being 0′s. Which makes 1010000 which represents eighty and 0010100 which represents 20.



The F1 logo is a fairly simple one to figure out. The negative space in the middle creates the 1.

Facebook Places


If you didn’t already know Facebook Places, is Facebooks new geolocational product. Which is in direct competition with the current leader in that area Foursquare. Now if you take another look at Facebook Places logo you will notice it is a 4 in a square now is this a coincidence or a dig at Foursquare?



The FedEx logo look like a plain text based logo but if you take a second look between the E and the x you will see an arrows which represents the speed and accuracy of the companies deliveries.

Milwaukee Brewers


The old Milwaukee Brewers logo may look like a simple catchers mitt holding a ball, but if you take a second you will see the team’s initials M and B.

Museum of London


The Museum of London logo may look like a modern logo design but it actually represents the geographic area of london as it as grew over time.



The NBC logo has a hidden peacock above the above text which is looking to the right, this represents the companies motto to look forward and not back, and also that they are proud of the programs they broadcast.

Northwest Airlines


The old Northwest Airlines logo may look like a simple logo but if you take a closer look the symbol on the left actually represent both N and W and because it is enclosed within the circle it also represents a compass pointing northwest.

Piano Forest


The Piano Forest logo may look like a simple text logo with trees above it, but if you take another look you will see that the trees actually represent keys on a piano.



The Toblerone logo contains the image of a bear hidden in the Matterhorn mountain, which is where Toblerone originally came from.



The Tostitos logo includes two people sharing a chip and a bowl of salsa, this conveys an idea of people connecting with each other over a bowl of chips.

Treacy Shoes


The Treacy Shoes logo is very cute logo with a shoe hidden between the t and s.


Ikophot Exposure Meter – Made by Zeiss Ikon

Most of the TLRs do not come with built-in meter.

For TLRs come with built-in meter, most of these may not fully functional due the its age, or some functional but may not be accurate.

In these cases, a good exposure is very useful.

Managed to got a e-copy of Zeiss Ikon Ikophot exposure meter instructional manual, free download here.

IKOPHOT Instructions For Use

Display your TLR Collection

Olsson at buy120film talks about 10 inspirational ways to display antique cameras. I am sure it is much more impressive for TLRs than any other type of cameras to be displayed.



It’s about time to get your pretty vintage cameras out the boxes and onto the shelves. Don’t only use them to take photos – use them to decorate your home as well! Here are ten awesome ideas to get you started.

Which one is your favourite?